Since I live in a small town, I actually have a chance to get to know some of the candidates. Perhaps that's a good thing. And maybe it's not.
I have one particular candidate in mind when I type this.
He launched his second run for a seat. This was for the House of Representatives..
He was trounced again.
I'm sure he wonders why.
Well, sir, you're rude. You are loud, and you're a complainer.
Most of us don't like you.
We sure can't stop long enough to take a look at your qualifications. Because, we don't like you.
I bet this seems unfair, doesn't it? Sorry. We just don't like you.
So, ladies and gentlemen, if you're thinking about a political career, act decent toward us little people. We might just help you win that office you're hankering for.
See you at the polls!