Saturday, December 3, 2011

Winter in Middle Georgia

It's early December. And it's Saturday.
When I awoke this morning, I followed my usual routine. I fixed a cup of coffee, fed and watered the cat, then opened up the wooden front door so kitty and I could look outside. We have a good storm door so minimal cold comes in, but even if it wasn't a good door, I would open it anyway. I've always liked to be able to look out windows and doors.
What do I see? Brown...... brown everything.......brown everywhere.
It's winter. And not a thing is growing.
This is a hard time of year for me. I love warm breezes, the sound of wildlife and riotous colors. The sunshine and flowers.
Winter is part of God's design. I know it. I don't easily accept it. But there's a lesson in it, isn't there?
Rebirth, the return of life and hope.
I'll work to be thankful that the Lord has granted me this time and understanding and most of all, acceptance of His grace and love.
Even in this most dismal time of year. Perhaps He wishes me to take the time to turn toward Him by removing those beautiful scenes He grants to us in Spring and Summer.
There's a purpose to it all.
I understand, I think.

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